How soon will everybody be on Ozempic?

How Soon Will Everyone Be on Ozempic?

With more than 100 million Americans, and possibly even more worldwide, who could benefit from medications like Ozempic, a common question arises: When will these groundbreaking medications become widely available to everyone who needs them?


The Journey of Weight-Loss Medications


Weight-loss medications have had their ups and downs over the years. In the 1990s, Fen-phen, a popular weight-loss combination drug, was taken off the market due to serious heart-related side effects. Another drug, Meridia, was removed in 2010 after being linked to increased risk of strokes. Despite these setbacks, the demand for a safe and effective weight-loss drug never disappeared.

For pharmaceutical companies, the need for such a medication is enormous. Globally, more than 1 in 8 people are affected by obesity, and in the U.S., it’s more than 2 in 5. This pressing health issue led to numerous clinical trials over the past decade, most of which ended in disappointment. However, the introduction of GLP-1 medications—like Ozempic—is finally offering a solution that millions have been waiting for.


The Promise of GLP-1 Medications


GLP-1 medications, such as Ozempic, have been shown to do more than just help with weight loss. Research suggests that these medications may reduce body weight by at least 15%, with newer versions of the drugs showing even greater potential. But that’s not all: evidence is also emerging that GLP-1s could offer additional health benefits, such as reducing alcohol consumption, improving sleep apnea, and lowering the risk of strokes. These wide-ranging effects have led many to label GLP-1 medications as “miracle drugs.”

No wonder these medications are in such high demand. In fact, a Gallup poll estimated that around 15.5 million Americans have tried these drugs, with about 8 million currently using them. But with such high demand comes a significant challenge: supply shortages.

Ozempic weight loss

The Problem of Supply Shortages


One of the biggest hurdles right now is that pharmacies across the country are struggling to keep these medications in stock. There’s even a website dedicated to tracking where Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs are available. Pharmaceutical companies are working hard to increase supply, and new medications are hitting the market, but the reality is that demand is far outpacing the current supply.

So, how long will it take before everyone who could benefit from these medications can actually get them? And what does the future look like for GLP-1 medications like Ozempic?


Estimating Current Usage and Projecting Future Growth


Right now, about 8 million Americans are using GLP-1 medications, according to polling data from early 2024. But these numbers are growing fast. U.S. sales of GLP-1 medications are projected to reach a staggering $32 billion in 2024, up from $20.8 billion in 2023. That’s enough supply for around 8 million people—but considering the massive number of people who could benefit from these drugs, the demand is far from being fully met.

GLP-1 Medications

The Long-Term Outlook


GLP-1 medications like Ozempic are set to revolutionize weight loss and diabetes care. But, as with any major breakthrough, the path to widespread access is a gradual one. As more pharmaceutical companies ramp up production and as insurance companies and government programs evolve to meet the growing demand, it’s expected that millions more will gain access to these medications in the coming years.

If you’re interested in using a GLP-1 medication like Ozempic, the best first step is to talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you understand your options and guide you on how to access these medications, whether through patient assistance programs, or prescription referral services that can make it more affordable such as Over the Border Meds.



  • Gallup Poll on GLP-1 Usage: A Gallup poll from 2024 estimated that around 8 million Americans are currently taking GLP-1 medications like Ozempic. This poll helps highlight the increasing use of these medications.

    • Reference: Gallup, Inc.. (2024). 15.5 Million Americans Have Tried GLP-1 Medications
  • Novo Nordisk & Eli Lilly Sales Reports: Sales growth projections for Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly in 2024 suggest that the GLP-1 market in the U.S. could reach $32 billion. This is based on their respective revenue reports and growth projections.

  • GLP-1 for Weight Loss: Studies and clinical trials have shown that GLP-1 medications can reduce body weight by at least 15% in many patients.

    • Reference: Wilding, J.P.H., et al. (2021). “Once-weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity.” The New England Journal of Medicine, 384(11), 989-1002.